Stormwater Conference & Expo 2024

Gillian Blythe

Message from Water New Zealand

Ka ora te wai, ka ora te whenua, ka ora ngā tāngata’
‘If the water is healthy, the land is healthy, the people are healthy’

Thank you to everyone who took part in the Stormwater Conference and Expo 2024 – delegates, exhibitors, speakers, sponsors and visitors. We hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as we did. 

Embracing change was the theme for this year, with many speakers and workshops focusing on nature-based solutions, enabling investment and exploring kaupapa Māori as we strive for a stormwater resilient future.

With a raft of innovative presentations, our stormwater professionals were left with much to inspire them in the coming year.

Congratulations to all our award winners: Conference dinner & Industry Award highlights

Stormwater 2025 will be in Rotorua, 13-15 May 2025. Save the date! 

Check out the conference highlight video below if you missed out on this year’s conference.

Nga mihi nui

Gillian Blythe, the Water New Zealand team, and the Stormwater Conference Committee 

Toitū Net Carbonzero Event Operations Certification

Water New Zealand is proud to be working towards Toitū net carbonzero Event Operations certification for the Stormwater 2024 Conference.

The conference is all about creating sustainable outcomes, but at the same time we acknowledge that such events have environmental impacts. Therefore, we have taken steps to improve the sustainability of our events.

This year we will be measuring emissions from delegate, presenter and organisational travel, vehicle use, electricity and waste, to purchase carbon credits to this value. The certified carbon credits we are purchasing will be used in three ways – to store, avoid and reduce emissions.

Store: These are usually forestry projects – land specifically set aside for reforestation with strict covenants to ensure the forest remains permanent and is not harvested.

Avoid: These are usually energy generation projects that use renewable energy instead of fossil-fuels, such as wind farms.

Reduce: These are usually a form of technology that reduces the usual amount of emissions produced, for example efficient solar cook stoves that replace inefficient fossil-fuel burning stoves.

You can find out more about the projects funded by these carbon credits by clicking here.

We appreciate your support of this initiative and the future of Aotearoa.

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