
Helen Shaw: Principal Water Resources Engineer

021 670 94

Helen is a Water Resources Engineer with 25 years experience across both the public and private sectors in New Zealand and the UK. Helen has a keen interest in using integrated environmental data to facilitate faster and more robust decision making in the water space.

Helen’s broad – based skills mean that she is an effective technical leader of large water resource projects, dealing with both water quantity and quality issues, and across the three waters. She has led a number of large projects relating to both urban and rural catchment management, stormwater management and nutrient limit setting.

Craig Mountfort: Stormwater Manager


After 15+ years in consultancy working with industrial process wastewater for rendering plants and milk factories around New Zealand, stormwater, low impact SW systems and network renewals, Craig took up the SW managers role at Hasting District Council. This was 6mths before Cyclone Gabrielle.

His time in the role at HDC is now approaching 2 years and he continues to work with the community to recover from that event through improving modelling and data, working on scour mitigation options, legal and property boundary issues all to develop a robust sw strategy and management plan for the district.

Marama Pohatu: Chair of Muriwhenua Incorporation

E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā rau rangatira mā, nei rā te mihi.

Marama has for the past 27 years worked as an Education Professional at Te Whare Wānanga o Otākou, lecturing in Teacher Education and Professional Development and is currently the Advisor Māori to the Dean of Learning and Teaching.
Marama is the Chair of Muriwhenua Incorporation, a Māori Incorporation in the Far North, a role she has held for the past 9 years.

Climate Change along with Environmental Sustainability feature as key decision drivers at both a professional and whānau level.

Working alongside whānau, hapu and iwi to realise the potential and aspirations of past, present and future generations, is a privilege enhanced through paternal links to a proud whakapapa from ngā iwi maha o Muriwhenua.
Ngā manaakitanga, nā,Marama

Fiona Macdonald:  Principal – Flood Risk

021 390 781

Fiona is Principal for Flood Risk in Auckland Council’s Healthy Waters department. Her role involves understanding existing and future flood risk across the region, and working with other parts of Council to manage this risk. Since the Anniversary floods she has been working on Council’s flood response and recovery.

With a PhD and diverse cross-sector experience in civil engineering and infrastructure management, Richard works with clients across the asset lifecycle to make sense of complex, organisational problems, articulate strategy, and find pragmatic solutions to enable better decision-making and effective governance of operations.

Jenny Vince:  Technical Director – Planning

027 429 8379

Jenny Vince is a Technical Director (Planning) with Beca. She has worked with Auckland Council Healthy Waters for the last 10 years, providing Resource Management and Planning advice in relation to their capex and opex projects.

Ian McComb:  Senior Infrastructure Planning Advisor Stormwater, Rivers & Coasts

022 315 2592

Ian is an infrastructure engineer with an extensive history of working on stormwater projects for several Councils in Australia and New Zealand . He has also spent time as an environmental engineering consultant and being a private developer of sustainable and affordable housing projects.

His Masters stormwater research and associated interests have focussed on capture for reuse, water quality, soakage, overland flowpaths and appropriate freeboard allowances.

More recently his horizons have widened to encompass Rivers and Coastal Asset management and all the exciting challenges presented by sea level rise, coastal subsidence and changing rainfall patterns!

Paul Barker:  Partnership Director

027 610 7508

Paul is currently a Partnership Director in the Local Government Branch of DIA. In this role he leads work on community resilience working with a number of government agencies and local government on natural hazards and climate change adaptation. He also has responsibilities for working with a number of councils in the northern part of the South Island.

Paul has an extensive public policy background and has worked in a number of New Zealand and international agencies including the OECD. Paul has worked as a policy adviser in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet and has significant experience with a number of social and economic reforms. He has led policy groups in the Department of Labour, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Culture and Heritage. In addition he has had significant stakeholder engagement experience including working with iwi/Māori, unions and local government.

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